– Nitrogen 3%
– Potassium 18 %
- – Cyto red improves fruit colouring by stimulating genes that responsible for formation of fruit pigments in plant.
- – Provide plant with nutrients that plant needs in the phase of changing fruit colour and ripening fruits and for formation of proteins , enzymes , pigments , energy.
- – Cyto red has potassium that responsible for formation sugar content and sugar accumulation inside fruits.
- – Cyto red contains other nutrints that improve photosynthesis processes , sugar translocation , support internal structure of cell wall and cell membrane, and pigments accumulation inside fruits.
- – Cyto red has no effect on plants during the period of storage and shipment .
- – Cyto red increases fruit hardness and natural color of fruits and quality of fruits and provide a regular maturation of fruits
- يحتوي علي مواد اخري التي تحسن من عمليه التمثيل الضوئي للنبات و تنقل السكر
- و تدعم التركيب الداخلي لجدار الخليه و غشاء الخلية و تراكم الصبغات في الثمار .
- Cyto red has no effect on plants during the period of storage and shipment .
- يزيد السيتو ريد من اللون الطبيعي للنبات و يزيد ايضا الصلابه و جوده النبات و يعطي
- نضج منتظم للنبات .
Dosage :
– used with rate 3 cm \liter of water.
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